Adash A4404-SAB Vibration Analyzer A-4404

Brand: Adash

The A4404-SAB is convenient for service and analytical operations. This is identical to the input part of the A4400-VA4 Pro instrument, which is used for processing of the measured signal.  When the SAB model is connected to a computer via USB and the VA4 Pro software is running, you will get the same measuring system as the A4400-VA4 Pro. The technical features, data processing, the possibility of the measurements, and the number of channels are the same as the Pro instrument. No external power is needed with the instrument being powered by the USB.

The A4404-SAB is lightweight, small, and fully compatible with the A4400-VA4 Pro instrument. It can be connected to any portable computer after starting the VA4 Pro software and the measuring process can be started immediately. There are 4AC, 4DC, and Tacho: all eight channels plus speed are measured simultaneously.

The SAB is ideal for technical teaching. Attached to a PC it can demonstrate real time vibration while being projected onto a screen. It is also great for service contractors with it's small, portable size.


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Service Capabilities

Vibration monitoring and analysis, PdM program start-up, laser alignment services, machine balancing, infrared inspections, and more.